Thursday, October 28, 2010

Here Comes PostgreSQL West

In just a few days, I'll be off to PostgreSQL West.  I've attended PostgreSQL East and PGCon both of the last two years, but this will be my first trip out to PG West.  As with past conferences, this will be a good opportunity for me to catch up with people I normally speak with only via the Internet.  But, there's something that's a little different about this one.  Take a look at the agenda.

By my count, there are about twice as many talks at West as there were at this year's East.  The agenda looks to be both broad and deep, covering everything from performance to internals to case studies, and there are not only a lot of talks, but a lot of new talks on topics I haven't heard covered before, or with a different slant than the talks I've heard before.  As for me, I've been pressed into service to give my query optimizer talk, which I have already given a number of times (but people keep coming!), and I'll also be trying out a new talk, on using the PostgreSQL system catalogs.

See you there (hopefully)!

1 comment:

  1. Your Query Optimizer talk is always popular because it is the black box of the database. I look forward to seeing you there!

