Thursday, February 20, 2025

PostgreSQL Hacking + Patch Review Workshops - March 2025

This month, I'm excited to tell you about the returning of the PostgreSQL Hacking Workshop along with a new Patch Review Workshop organized by Paul Jungwirth.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Who Contributed to PostgreSQL Development in 2024?

People continue to tell me on a semi-regular basis how much they appreciate these approximately annual posts, the first of which came out in April of 2017. I think this might be more because the project doesn't have enough official ways to recognize people than it is an endorsement of the particular thing that I've done here, the limitations of which I am always careful to mention. In particular, I do not intend this as a comprehensive picture of contributions to the project, or even to development activity; and I lack the data to fairly divide credit for a single commit between multiple individuals. Nevertheless, I am very grateful to all the people who have expressed appreciation for these posts, or told me about the value that they derived from them. Thank you so much.

Friday, January 17, 2025

PostgreSQL Hacking Workshop - February 2025

Please considering joining us next month (February 2025) for a discussion of Heikki Linnakangas's talk on The Wire Protocol, from PGCONF.EU 2024. For those not familiar with the concept, this hacking workshop is basically a virtual meetup: you watch the talk, and then you sign up to participate in one of two or three Zoom meetings where we discuss the talk. Usually, we're able to get the original author of the talk to join us; thanks to Heikki for agreeing to join us this month.

Friday, December 20, 2024 needs your submissions!

The call for proposals for has been extended to January 6, 2025, otherwise known as "very soon". I'm writing this post to encourage you to submit, if you haven't done so yet, regardless of whether you have submitted to or its predecessor, PGCon, in the past. The event will only be as good as the content you (collectively) submit, and having found much value in these events over the years that I've been participating, I very much want our future events to be as good as those in the past, or, hopefully, even better. But what makes a good event, and what kind of talk should you submit?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

PostgreSQL Hacking Workshop - January 2025

Next month, I'l be hosting 2 or 3 discussions of Andres Freund's talk, NUMA vs PostgreSQL, given at PGConf.EU 2024. You can sign up using this form. I anticipate that both Andres and I will be present for the discussions, and I'd like to thank Andres and all of the other presenters who have made time to join the discussions and answer questions for their time (so far: Melanie Plageman, Thomas Munro, Andrey Borodin). It has been absolutely great having them join the workshops.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

PostgreSQL Hacking Workshop - December 2024

Next month, I'll be hosting a discussion of Melanie Plageman's talk, Intro to Postgres Planner, given at PGCon 2019. You can sign up using this form. To be clear, the talk is not an introduction to how the planner works from a user perspective, but rather how to hack on it and try to make it better and perhaps get your improvements committed to PostgreSQL. If you're interested, please join us. I anticipate that both Melanie and I will be present for the discussions.

Friday, November 01, 2024

Why pg_dump Is Amazing

I wrote a blog post a couple of weeks ago entitled Is pg_dump a Backup Tool?. In that post, I argued in the affirmative, but also said that it's probably shouldn't be your primary backup mechanism. For that, you probably shouldn't directly use anything that is included in PostgreSQL itself, but rather a well-maintained third-party backup tool such as barman or pgbackrest. But today, I want to talk a little more about why I believe that pg_dump is both amazingly useful for solving all kinds of PostgreSQL-related problems and also just a great piece of technology.